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Meet Linney -


Bora Bora, French Polynesia

Linney looked in the mirror at her nude reflection and marveled at what she saw in the tropical sunlight. The furious purple scars encircling both breasts and spanning her abdomen hip to hip long since faded; first to a soft pale pink and now, a decade later, to a silvery white. Her scars were barely noticeable at a quick glance – but still they were there. Tattooed three-dimensional nipples were placed just as they should be, and they truly tricked the eye into thinking there was something of substance there instead of inked and sutured skin flaps. Although it took a couple of years for her to stop gasping every time she spotted her scars while toweling off after her morning shower she was now much more comfortable in her skin. Her battle wounds made her the woman she is today.


Physically she was in terrific shape thanks to an early morning habit of walking five miles to the yoga studio three times a week and taking a class that would have been impossible had she still been chained to the train schedule in and out of New York City. Her stomach was flat and taught, her arms lightly sculpted, her legs were firm, and her butt looked better than it had in her twenties. Her face had just a few laugh lines, and she loved them. She never entertained going to the Botox parties that the women she worked with were addicted to, she wasn’t into the melted wax look of frozen horror or delight. Funny, she didn’t really start taking care of her skin until she was in her forties. And now her monthly facials were a new treat but well worth it.


She stepped into her black bikini bottoms and looped the matching halter style top over her head arraigning her counterfeit tits as they flopped into the molded cups. Here she was in paradise, a fifty-year-old runaway. 


She looked out over the shallows, took a deep breath, and furrowed her brow. Paradise. That was the promise anyway. After more than 20 hours of travel time, including an extended layover in California, she was hot, sweaty, and exhausted. Her open-air hut was perched atop the sparkling, crystal clear turquoise water of the South Pacific and after a quick shower she was able to appreciate the breathtaking accommodations. She strolled through the bathroom and into the living area. She stopped and planted her freshly pedicured feet over the glass floor-viewing panel, fascinated by the sea life just inches beneath her bright pink toenails.


She scooped her smooth, chin-length hair back into a band and walked out onto the deck and sat down. Linney was awed by the majesty of Mount Otemanu in the distance. It was thickly covered in rich, lush, emerald green tropical foliage.  She could smell the earthy dampness of the mountain, mingling with the salty sea breeze, and the light sweet perfume of frangipani and jasmine flowers that seemed to be upon every surface of the resort. She inhaled deep, full yoga breaths and let them out slowly. She was surrounded by peace and beauty. She could feel the remnants of her travel tension exiting her body.


It was only eleven in the morning, local time, but for her it was happy hour time at home, and she needed a drink. Linney glanced at the room service menu and phoned in her order for a light lunch and a potent rum-soaked beverage. Service at the Le Meridien resort was second-to-none and as her lunch was brought up to her deck she felt like a princess. Never before had so much fuss and flourish accompanied a midday meal. She sipped, nibbled, and contemplated her new life. Act two, as her best friends Jill and Carly called it when they toasted Linney on the night they celebrated her million-dollar multi-book contract she signed in what seemed like a whirlwind. That was a great night, one she won’t ever forget. It was a culmination of success, determination, and admittedly, luck.


She thought wistfully of what she’d left behind; the daily rat race – which she didn’t miss at all. Her husband and children – whom she loved more than life itself, and her dearest friends – whom she missed terribly. Could they ever forgive her for leaving? Would they understand? Will her newly repaired marriage withstand this leave of absence or would Adam shut her out? So many thoughts ran through her mind, but she had no choice. Fight or flight? She never backed down from a fight but this time she chose flight. God just the thought of what she may be facing made her heart jackhammer in her chest. She knew if she thought too hard about what had led her here, she might throw up. She might curl up into a ball and never leave her hut. She might never finish writing her book. But if those things that might happen do happen then it’s won. The monster will claim victory, and she can’t let that happen. She just needs to go off the grid for a while and her life will be waiting for her when she’s ready.


Wanna read more? Check out Sol Sisters on Amazon -



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