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Readers are in love
the debut memoir by Jennifer Pellechio Lukowiak

"It's a cross between The Devil Wears Prada and 50/50.  I laughed, I cried and then I went shopping."

-Katie L.



"Having gone through a breast cancer diagnosis, I found Jennifer's story to be very relatable. It was refreshing to read about someone who truly understands what this experience is like."

-Nicole M.

"Love your book!  It took me back to some dark days as well as some blessed ones...You have a wonderful gift of wit"

-Kelly O.

You're a true inspiration! You put yourself out there so other people would not feel so alone in the breast cancer battle. You are a great writer and all around artist/fashionista girl. xoxo

Thank you!

-Deedee N.



This book is an amazing read and written by a beautiful ,funny ​courageous,blessed young woman. Her writing is soulful and heartfelt. I felt I was going thru her journey with cancer with her. This book opened a window to my soul and gave me great understanding of a woman's battle with cancer. Every man and woman must read this book it is truly an eye opener and inspiring. As a hairstylist I work with many women going thru cancer treatments and their hair loss. I have purchased this book for several of my clients and they read it while they are having their treatment and do not feel alone.This author's book is their guaridan angel ! God Bless



-Elaine M.

"Its the only book I was able to relate to after my diagnosis."

-Jill H.




"Your story was inspiring,

thought-provoking, sad, funny and informative; but best of all it has an awesome sound-track all the way through, which most books can't boast...especially books about cancer. I couldn't put it down xx"

Thank you!


-Kate B.

Great, fun and inspiring read.

Real and refreshing look at the s**t they don't tell you about breast cancer. You will laugh and cry- I did, and pick up some great recipes along the way too.

-Linda M.

Bringing comfort from another beautiful sister was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 30. She bravely fought the battle for 2 years, but sadly did not recover. Reading your words of laughter, fear, love, and so much more brought comfort to my soul. I can hear my sister's voice in your book and that means the world to me. Thank you for fighting and finding the inspiration and strength to write this book. It is a gift. Much love and thanks.


-Lauren R.


"I enjoyed reading this book as the author speaks from the heart and tells it like it is! The "C" words of Cancer and Chemo within a month of each other had me reeling. The author confirmed what I discovered that "You can have a great support system around you but, ultimately, you make the journey alone." You alone get the surgery(s), you alone get the chemo drugs that wreak havoc with everyday life. I will heed the advice of the author mentioned what she loves most now, misses from pre-cancer days, what she will not miss, and things learned along the way. All very relevant to anyone fighting cancer! This book, I couldn't put down once I started. 5 stars all the way! Thank you!"

-Michele B.


I received this book from a friend of mine. I am not a fashionista for sure, but so many things that Jennifer wrote about happened to me. I was like, OMG, me too! I only wish that I had known about it earlier. It's always good to have a buddy going through something as horrible as cancer. The book was like my buddy. Thanks to Jennifer for sharing.




-Jan T.



© 2012 Jennifer Pellechio Lukowiak


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