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Jennifer Pellechio Lukowiak
 Does This Outfit Make Me Look Bald?
Every year 5% of all breast cancer diagnosis' occur in women under the age of forty. They do not have the time to be sick, stop their lives or even take the time to care for themselves. This book is for them, my sistah's-the women outside the common statistics who are in the trenches and need a buddy. Someone who has been rocked by a scary diagnosis but continues to rock-on. Someone who needs to laugh in the face of fear. It is scary-but hey, if I can get through it, anyone can. Diagnosed first in 2007 and then again in 2012 (yes really, as I was promoting this book) I knew I had the tools to help not just myself but others. The one thing I know for sure, laughter heals. I realized long ago, before cancer, that if I didn't laugh, I'd cry. So find a reason to laugh every day, hold on tight, and get ready for the ride.
How a Fashionista Fought Breast Cancer With Style
SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-1-4685-7189-9
HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-1-4685-7188-2
Throughout your life there are things you will say for the first time that you will never forget. "I love you." "I'm engaged." "I'm pregnant." "I got the job." Monumental life changing statements met with excitement and brimming with anticipation. But what about the first time you say, "I have cancer." Monumental? Hell yes. Unforgettable? You bet. Exciting? Brimming with anticipation? No.

Just the same, you will never forget the first time you say it.
Available at Amazon®, Barnes & Noble® or direct from the publisher, Author House®. Also available in iBook® format for Apple® iPad®, iPhone®and eBook format for your Kindle®, Nook®, and Android® devices. Click the "BUY IT" icon below...
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